My husband constantly tells me that Alien Lanes isn't a good album (I know, he's lucky I stick around). While it's not my favorite GBV listen, it's certainly worthy of its spot on this list.

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Lol. He is lucky.

I went back and forth, and then back and forth some more on this one vs. Bee Thousand. But as noted above, the people singing Motor Away sealed it for me. Is that the most objective criteria? Probably not, but IMO, that sort of resonance matters.

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Sep 11Liked by Kevin Alexander, Sam Colt

"The only one who could ever reach me/was the son of a preacher man." Dusty killed with that song, and put herself up there with all the actual sons and daughters of preacher men in the soul game.

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I revisited that album for the first time in a while and I forgot how good it is

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Sep 11Liked by Kevin Alexander, Sam Colt

Ok I know I keep pushing the Radiohead thing, but I’ll just say: “House Of Cards” off of In Rainbows. Headphones. Beautiful. Haunting. Perfection. That is all.

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In Rainbows is a perfect rock album. Kevin needs to rectify his stance on Radiohead for the good of music Substack.

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Sep 11Liked by Kevin Alexander, Sam Colt

😄 Agree! We need to know where Kevin stands on these important issues.

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👏 Let's 👏 hold 👏 Kevin 👏 to 👏 account 👏

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Sep 11Liked by Kevin Alexander, Sam Colt


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This was an almost 180 for me!

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lol. I hear ya. I hear ya.

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Sep 11Liked by Kevin Alexander, Sam Colt

ok now we're talking. marquee moon should be way higher, though. like, objectively.

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Sep 11·edited Sep 11Author

Yeah, maybe I could've given its influence on a lot of music I like.

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Sep 11Liked by Kevin Alexander

I'm teasing!!

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So, so good!

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Parallel Lines is in my Top Ten. I agree, there no cuts to skip! Great album!

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Great minds think alike! 😀

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Yankee Hotel Foxtrot "always felt like an album people liked because they thought they had to."

I always wish writers would explain this canard when they use it. It could be true, I suppose, but without a supporting argument it has a sour grapes feeling and a willful writing off of the opinions of others, which they might have good reasons for.

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I've heard the same thing said about Pink Floyd, which.... what??

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Sep 11Liked by Kevin Alexander

Did you really reference a 1996 Sponge album in the headline for a best albums of all time article? I kinda feel like that album wouldn't be anywhere near this list...lol (double-checks just to make sure)

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As much as I love hiding Easter eggs in my posts—and I do—this wasn’t one of ‘em.

FWIW, I loved “Rotting Piñata” when it came out.

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Sep 11Liked by Kevin Alexander

So glad to hear someone else singing the praises of Move Me On Down the Line—such an overlooked song that feels like Billy tapping into the still water leftover from The Moving Sidewalks. I have it in a verbal agreement with my best friend / deejay partner that should I die before him, he's responsible for playing this at my funeral party, or I'll haunt him.

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Sounds like my kinda service! I’m glad someone else likes this track as much as I do.

Now let’s hope your friend doesn’t have honor his end of the deal for a long, long time!

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Sep 11Liked by Kevin Alexander

Finally! Someone with a respected opinion that feels the same way about Radiohead!

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Sep 11Liked by Kevin Alexander, Sam Colt

Out of the 20 entries, I scored an 8, the highest of all the entries thus far. I listened to a lot of good music as I revisited some old friends on vinyl.

Thank you, gentlemen.

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Thank you for reading, Norman! Hoping to score higher than an 8 next week. :)

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Sep 11Liked by Kevin Alexander, Sam Colt

I don’t have strong feelings about Radiohead generally although I do think The Bends is a masterful album. (I prefer it to OK Computer.) I am curious though, Kevin, to know how you felt about Karma Police on your most recent listen. I won’t be offended or outraged either way but it is genuinely one of my favourite songs and I struggle to comprehend that anyone could not love it.

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The Bends, along with Ok Computer and In Rainbows, was my gateway into Radiohead. It flips between Moon Shaped Pool as my fourth or fifth favorite album of theirs depending on how I’m feeling, but it can go toe-to-toe with any of the all-time great Britpop albums. It’s definitely their most accessible album and a great intro to Radiohead for new-time listeners.

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Sep 11Liked by Kevin Alexander, Sam Colt

Yeah, I think maybe I love it because I am from that Britpop era myself. I think the mid 90s was a great time for music in the UK generally but The Bends is considerably more interesting than most other albums around at that time. OK Computer is also great but their subsequent albums mark the period where I was embarking on parenthood and my music listening overall started to fall off. I never followed them into their more experimental phase.

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In Rainbows isn’t that experimental. It’s just a perfect rock record. If you like the bends, you’ll like that.

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Sep 11Liked by Kevin Alexander

OK. I’ll check it out. Thanks.

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Fear not; it’s one of the ones I enjoyed listening to. 🙂

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Sep 12Liked by Kevin Alexander, Sam Colt

Phew! 😅

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At this point, I'm rooting for Sam's list. I feel like Sam is speaking to me personally and has had the same lived experiences! But...I love Kevin's more esoteric approach. The off-kilter selections that has me going...what the...? I need to check that out.

Superb lists both! Cannot wait to read the remainder. Here's to Bowie being #1 - Fuck the Beatles and Stones! (lol...The White Album better be in the top ten! AND Beggars Banquet!)

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Gonna be all Bowie, Stones, and Joni Mitchell from here on out. Pet Sounds and Marvin Gaye as well! 😂

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uhhh… 😳

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Sep 11Liked by Kevin Alexander

Re Pretenders, when I was a kid I kept hearing "mystery cheese" 😅🧀

And we have a nice neighbor who I can't remember his name, but my husband and I refer to him amongst ourselves as ZZ Top cuz he looks like he could be in that band. Fun fact - "zizi" is the French child's word for 🍆

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lol. Who knew?!

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Sep 12Liked by Kevin Alexander

Thumbs up: Pretenders. This would be #1 on my list. An outstanding debut album. Read "Reckless" and you can get a flavor for what it took Chrissie to get the album made. The bass lines that Pete Farndon banged out still amaze me - the guy just does not look like someone who could produce that rock steady beat (see Mystery Achievement).

Thumbs down: Could not really find one. Kanye maybe? I think it is going to be tough turning my thumb down for the top 50.

WTF: Folks who keep defending Radiohead.

Bonus thumbs up: Graham Parker and of course sweet Dusty.

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I will keep defending Radiohead

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I would expect nothing less! 😂

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Was hoping there’s be some Graham Parker love in the chat!

“Precious” is just an incredible opener. “Accidentally” hit repeat on that a few times.

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Sep 12Liked by Kevin Alexander, Sam Colt

I suspected that either Graham Parker & The Rumor, Squeeze or Rockplle had to be in top 100 of your list.

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I agonized over what to do with Squeeze. Nick Lowe too, for that matter.

Sorta off topic, but Dave Edmunds’ “Slipping Way” is one of my favorite songs from the early 80s.

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Sep 12Liked by Kevin Alexander

Ohhhh, I was hoping Wussy would make Kevin's list!

The Singles Soundtrack appearance is such a nice surprise. What a perfect time capsule.

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It was a lock! I’m sure you’re way ahead of me here, but did you see they’ve got a new record coming out later this year?

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Sep 12Liked by Kevin Alexander, Sam Colt


Yesterday: "Wussy is from Cincinnati and every bit an Ohio band."

Today: Wussy announces an album titled 'Cincinnati Ohio'

You are a prophet 🤣

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lol. Now I just need to figure out the Powerball numbers.

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Sep 12Liked by Kevin Alexander, Sam Colt

I love Dusty but her American listeners, and especially the critics, far overrate Dusty in Memphis. It seems at times that that is all they know of her. She was not a "soul singer." She was not the "White Negress." She was soulful, and especially on out choruses where she improvised a little bit. What she was was a torch singer, the female Tom Jones.

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