Dude, I just narrated a book written by a mother who so badly wanted to get tix for her daughter to see Taylor Swift on her Eras tour. The cost of tickets in the US were higher than the cost of travelling overseas to Europe and Asia to see her. So the book was filled with tips and tricks on how to create a database spreadsheet of ALL her concert dates, tickets prices, airfares, hotel rooms, transportation fees, etc...so "you too can afford to see Taylor Swift on her epic tour without having to re-mortgage your house!!!". It was astonishing to read. I can't believe this is where we're at!

I say BRING on the HOUSE SHOWS!! Make live music about the MUSIC again!! Sheesh!! :)

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Jun 25·edited Jun 26Author

Bring 'em!

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House shows sound amazing!! I can imagine how intimate and communal these would be.

“Start now. Start with what you have and what you can do. You will not get better by waiting. No one is paying attention anyway. Make things. Get better. Make more things. Keep doing that, and you will figure out what you want to do and how to do it the best way you know how. You are far more capable and amazing than you can possibly imagine.”

This quote could apply to any creative endeavor! I love this so much, and am sharing it with my son who just graduated and wants to write screenplays.

Ticket prices are mostly too much for me. A few months ago when my friend group was wanting to go see The Violent Femmes in Peoria, the one who was going to purchase the tickets asked the group what we were willing to pay… I’m super low income, so I said $30-35 would be my max. She found some for $35. After fees, each ticket was just over $50. I had to pay in installments lol 😂

A local venue that uses an online ticketing site, lists the price including fees, and I appreciate that.

I love the aspect of community here! Thinking about that - really, being out and with my local music community peeps is when I feel the best. Getting out and being a part of that larger community has saved my life. And I don’t mean just my group of close friends - there are so many people that we see and hang with that are not part of our immediate circle, but we have gotten to know through the music events here. There’s a whole group of 20something year olds up through us older 50s crowd that all come together. And it’s all because of music.

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I just went to one on Friday, and it was incredible. $20 "suggested donation," (all money went to the band), BYOB, and that was that. No fees, no ripping off a band, no having to fly to France to see them.

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Great interview and love what Matty's doing. A wonderful role model for other artists.

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Thank you Ellen! He's building something really cool over there.

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Jun 20Liked by Kevin Alexander

Thanks for the shoutout! And a great interview. @matthew clearly gets it and is a perfect advocate for house shows. :)

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Of course! I love what you're building.

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Jun 20Liked by Kevin Alexander

This was really, really great to read Kevin! It’s inspiring in the sense of how we (artists of any type/medium) have always had permission to DIY in whatever that looks like. As this conversation shows—huge amount of work, yes, BUT all of it ultimately serves the craft in some way. Regarding house concerts specifically: I’ve been to many and have good friends who run an awesome series in CO and it’s always a special experience across the board. I hope there is a steady uptick in these kinds of performance or art sharing opportunities.

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Jun 25·edited Jun 25Author

100%, and great point about this carrying over across all forms of creative work. I don't know the photography equivalent of a house show (Is there one? Maybe art fairs? Smaller galleries?), but if it means a more direct line between fans & artists, I'm all for it. Like you, I'm hoping this uptick in shows (and discourse about them) is an early signal of a larger shift.

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Jun 25Liked by Kevin Alexander

I hope so too. I think other mediums could totally do the small/intimate space thing with a bit of ingenuity. Why not? So does that mean you’re hosting? I have a killer bean dip to bring…😉

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But is it spicy? This is Wisconsin, we can't have anything with a kick. Best to play it safe and just bring a family-size bottle of Hidden Valley ranch.

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Jun 26Liked by Kevin Alexander

I will bring the fried cheese and a Pilsner

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Jun 26Liked by Kevin Alexander

I can play. Don’t make me bring Door County pie for dessert, son.

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