Jul 17Liked by Kevin Alexander

Ooh this sounds intriguing, will have to check it out!

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I'd love to hear what you think once you've had a chance to listen to it!

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Jul 17Liked by Kevin Alexander

>>"Once again, we find ourselves at an inflection point in history; the only way out is through. Going through it is easier with a good soundtrack."

Amen, Kevin. A long time ago, a poster on. my wall said, "The Way Out Is Through". Thank you for reminding me of it. And thank you for posting about this interesting new album, which I would not have found without you. It's a good addition to your soundtrack.

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Thank you!

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Jul 18Liked by Kevin Alexander

I’ve seen quite a lot of commentary on this record so I’ve just downloaded it to check it out. Thanks for the detailed review!

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Of course! I'd love to hear what you think once you've had a chance to listen to it.

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Jul 18Liked by Kevin Alexander

I just “skimmed” through it and it’s not for me. I do agree with a lot of your comments, though. The beats and vibe are not bad. It’s just that I can’t with that singing 🤣

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Fair enough! We like what we like, right?

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Jul 19Liked by Kevin Alexander

A wise man once said 😉

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Jul 19Liked by Kevin Alexander

I’ve listened to a fair bit of Nilsson’s work over the years. It’s hit and miss for me. For my tastes, when she’s good she’s very good but she misses the mark quite a bit too. I’m still very much an album guy and she’s never released a compete album that works for me

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I hear ya. I feel like this one comes a lot closer than some others, but still not a home run.

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