I celebrate the contrarianism and, as I said previously, if you guys enjoyed a lot of new releases this year, I can see the appeal of a list/ranking of sorts.
One of the reasons I struggle with making album rankings myself is the fact that the relevant artists or bands may be at very different junctures of their careers (some starting, so…
I celebrate the contrarianism and, as I said previously, if you guys enjoyed a lot of new releases this year, I can see the appeal of a list/ranking of sorts.
One of the reasons I struggle with making album rankings myself is the fact that the relevant artists or bands may be at very different junctures of their careers (some starting, some established; some at their peak, some trying to reinvent themselves). I think I’d struggle less with a “Best debut albums” or “Best comeback albums” list. But as with many things in life, maybe I think too much 😅
I celebrate the contrarianism and, as I said previously, if you guys enjoyed a lot of new releases this year, I can see the appeal of a list/ranking of sorts.
One of the reasons I struggle with making album rankings myself is the fact that the relevant artists or bands may be at very different junctures of their careers (some starting, some established; some at their peak, some trying to reinvent themselves). I think I’d struggle less with a “Best debut albums” or “Best comeback albums” list. But as with many things in life, maybe I think too much 😅
Fair points all around. As for me? I definitely overthink things. If we hadn’t had a solid deadline, I might still be tweaking my lists. lol.
Fair enough. Deadlines do come in handy when it comes to stop the overthinking machine 😅