May 22Liked by Kevin Alexander

I definitely remember hauling media from one place to another (record stores, video tape rental shops). I'll throw a little Pere Ubu on today!

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I tried to keep it to one bag so I could still hit jumps* on my ride home.

*Jumps= really just equals a lot of curbs and a couple of other small spots. lol.

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May 22Liked by Kevin Alexander

The Modern Dance absolutely blew my mind as someone immersed in the punk scene of the day. It was harsh and melodic, bleak and comic, and absolutely sui generis. I will go back to Cloudland on your recommendation. The only other record of that time to affect my future musical direction as much was Larks Tongues in Aspic. There was no going back after that.

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I love The Modern Dance, and Cloudland is a world away from that. I'd love to hear what you think once you've had a chance to play it!

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Pere Ubu roughly translates to 'New Order' in an ancient dialect spoken by the Aztecs. ;)

I have never heard of this before but color me intrigued.

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Lol. This is true.

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Wow! Nice one, Kevin. Just when I think I've got you figured out, you blow my mind! But, of course, the Stephen Hague connection!! My --Ubu listening is a little spotty, so I'll have to try to get a chance to hear this one. I remember them performing 'Waiting for Mary' on Night Music.

I wonder just how many of the music peeps on Substack grew up with access to an amazing array of music for free courtesy of their local libraries' media collections? It's a big part of my story, and I keep running into that.

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Thank you Marshall! I'm glad you liked it. I like keeping people guessing. :)

Seriously though, your question about libraries is a good one. The one nearest us was relocated/remodeled a couple of years ago, and is a wonderland. Ever since checking it out, I've been asking myself the same question. I keep hoping I'll see the 2024 version of me in there, finding their new favorite thing.

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May 25Liked by Kevin Alexander

Pere Ubu is a band I’d heard of but never listened to. Thanks for the intro! I’m listening to the album on Spotify but I’m on a UK account. Is it not available on US Spotify?

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May 25·edited May 25Author

It isn't! Or Soundcloud...or Amazon...Or Qobuz... I'm really happy to hear that you're able to listen to it.

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